Welcome to Spalding Folk Club

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The club celebrated its 10th anniversary by having big upheavals in its management. Mike Stevens stood down in April, following which the club acquired an actual proper constitution with a Chairman, Secretary, AGMs and all that serious stuff. The constitution is available here . Den and Lyn Smith became secretary and treasurer and ran the show until November when Dany Dalley took over as secretary, assisted by Alb Dalley as the treasurer.
This year saw the club's one and only venture into larger scale concert promotion with the appearance of the Gregson and Collister Band at the civic centre. Sheila Robson, the features writer for the Spalding Guardian and a long-time supporter of the club, wrote a history of the last ten years which you can see here. Plus we had regular mentions in the local paper thanks to Dave Houlden (month by month links below)
Swan Arcade
Keith Hancock
Spring Chickens
Gregson and Collister Band at South Holland Centre
Higgledy Piggledy Band
Maurice and the Minors (and 10th birthday celebrations)
Les Barker and Kesteven Morris
Slim Panatella and the Mellow Virginians
Dave Burland
Dab Hand
R Cajun
Kelly's Heroes