Welcome to Spalding Folk Club
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Constitution of the Spalding Folk Club
Formulated by those present at the inaugural meeting held at The Bell Inn, Pinchbeck on 27th April 1989
1. The aim of the club shall be to promote the enjoyment of and participation in folk song, music and dance in South Lincolnshire.
2. Membership shall be by annual subscription.
3. Club policy shall be determined by the Organising Committee.
4. The Committee shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Officer and Events Officer. Each member of the Committee will have a vote, and the Chairman will have an additional casting vote in the event of a tie.
5. The Chairman will be responsible for calling committee meetings from time to time as he or she deems necessary. The Chairman may also call a General Meeting of the ordinary members at any time. The Chairman will have no other executive role.
6. The Secretary will be responsible for the overall running of the club in accordance with the policies decided by the committee and for delegation of duties to other committee members.
a) Judgement of the M.C. on the club night shall be deemed final.
7. The Treasurer will advise the Secretary on the financial position of the club on a monthly basis and will provide annual accounts available to the ordinary members of the club and to the committee on request.
8. The Publicity Officer will assist the Secretary with publicity.
9. The Events Officer will organise the club raffle and such additional fund-raising events as agreed by the Committee.
10. The Committee shall be able to co-opt such additional temporary committee members as they deem necessary.
11. The committee members shall be elected annually at a General Meeting of the ordinary members, who shall be informed by letter one month in advance of such meeting.
12. Any amendments to this Constitution shall be agreed by at least 51% of the ordinary members or their proxies at a General Meeting.