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Somehow the whole of the Oyster Band including the drummer performed in the bay window which passed for a stage at the White Hart - Alan Prosser had to stand sideways to play - and over 100 people crammed into the room to see them. At the end of August the pub closed without warning (the second pub to go under while the folk club was in residence - would any pub have us again?) and at a few days notice another venue was set up - this time at the Spalding Rugby Club. This wasn't suitable for the singaround which moved to the Pied Calf in the Sheepmarket. On December 19 a fund-raising ceilidh with the Old Parrot Band helped keep the show on the road for another year.


Regular articles in the Spalding Guardian helped keep the club in the public eye and were penned mostly by Dave Houlden.  Here are some examples from July, August, October and November

Gregson and Collister
Maurice and the Minors
Paul Metsers
Oyster Band
Easy Club
John James
Ceilidh with Cock and Bull Band at South Holland Centre
Vin Garbutt
New Mexborough Concertina Quartet
Rory McLeod
Graham and Eileen Pratt
House Band
Ceilidh with Old Parrot Band at Spalding Common Hall

Jan 8
Feb 5
March 2
April 5
May 7
June 4
June 13
July 9
Sept 3
Oct 1
Nov 5
Dec 3
Dec 19

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